Today...Step Back In Time

Published on 29 August 2022 at 11:54

(originally posted on my Facebook on September 6, 2009)

The Feminist Movement; looking back, hindsight to be exact at the mistakes verses the good. A comparison of today and yesteryear.

Now keep in mind I am only talking about a small part of the movement for there is so much more to it than the following. This writing comes from a place where I am tired of hearing women whining for something they already had.

Now please do not hear that I am saying that the feminist movement was not or is not a good movement for these pages in time helps us to learn, especially when one looks back with an open mind.

All I am saying is that we as women clutch to this movement as if it were our bible and as some bible readers they swear it to be the one and only truth, without giving one thought to any mistakes that have been uncovered.

Please keep reading with an open mind and heart, I am not asking for anyone to agree, all I want is people to be enlighten, including me.

Today: We have catered to the whining  of spoiled women who take advantage of society, while a single mother lives in the extreme elements on the streets with her child. She is crying for the same thing but her cries fall upon deaf ears. It is not because of ignorance of her rights that she is not heard, it is because she has no money or strings to pull and her only concern is her food and lodging for the day. People now have the attitude, it is not my problem, as long as I get what I want everything is fine because maybe someone else will pick up the slack for me. We have created a “ME” society! 

Yesteryears: Women volunteered for everything, that is where I believe a majority of women’s power’s comes from, is through their dedication in volunteering. You know how much volunteering has really helped us as American people. Oh my goodness, if there was to be a single mother with nothing, all it took was one women to hear of this and she would go to the other women in their community to make sure that mother was not on the street. Just think of how much tax paying money was saved by the kindhearted women who volunteered because that met that our government was not taking care of that mother, she had the personal touch of the women who knows her best.

Movement: The movement due to the whining of women has put us all on the streets, because we were blind to what we really had. In order to have one’s hearts desire, one must truly sacrifice something they already had.

Back in the years we women were taught that we needed to do volunteer work, take care of the house and kids and yes have dinner on the table when our husband came home from work.

I say what is wrong with that?

If my man is out taking care of the household money and not only that but also making sure I have what I WANT to go to the salon every week to gossip with friends. I say hell yes he’ll have dinner on the table when he walks in the door; as he drinks his after dinner brandy I will rub his tired feet and then tuck him into bed with a kiss and a thank you every night.

Women who did work were single and had jobs that were classified as “women jobs” like sectaries and other desk jobs, yes pay wasn’t fair I will give you that . Women whined that they are being treated with velvet gloves and want to have any job a man has and have the same pay.

"Treat me like a man," was the battle cry.

So with the movement we got what we asked for, but as it is said, “Be careful what you ask for,” well I find it funny that because of the computer and internet age we are living in, the majority of jobs are desk jobs. Now we are back where we started from, right behind that desk but the only difference is there’s no velvet glove.

Single or not, women did have it made being treated with velvet gloves. For every women had the door held for them, the man ordering her meals (which she could order herself if wanted), and men’s attitude was women first, but the married women got that and more. The married women had her bills, food, house and entertainment paid for.

Then came along women saying that this is sexism. This went as far as in the work place; a simple hello went from a kind greeting to, I will see you in court.

Now I do believe that there are those that the sexual harassment suit fits them well. Then there are the ones that get caught in the crossfire, for women feel that it is their right to use the courts to get back at a man for just opening the car door for her.

Then in the next breath, women ask why can I not find a man that is a gentleman? Well my simple answer is, men nowadays can not afford to have a relationship with someone and pay for the court cost to take care of the women’s speculations. 

Now I am not the kind of woman that needs a lot, but I also do not ask of a men something that I to am not willing to work for myself. I am a very simple and smart woman that lives in the moment.

The best thing that we as women can do for ourselves is to put down our grudges and start putting fault where it belongs, and yes sometimes that fault is the fault of women.

We need to find our own self wroth and our strength in our confidence. For it is with confidence that we will succeed as productive human beings.

Now like I said earlier that this is only one small part of the Feminist Movement and this is based on what I hear from women around me, hence a message for them and others who think as they do.

As I hope that I have enlighten you, I too hope you can enlighten me. So please leave any comment you would like. Your comments will not fall upon deaf ears. I will listen and I may or may not agree, for as far as I know I still have the freedom to agree or not, as you yourself do.

Just a piece of advice, do not be quick to burn your bra, just tuck it away in your drawer. You may not need it today but I promise you this as you get older you will find that you will need the support. 

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